Pregnancy Myths!
I appreciate everyone's feedback on my last post. So I had to do it again!
Let's switch gears and talk about all those things you discuss with your friends or read online about this magical time called pregnancy! It's all because of "The Bump"!
You are eating for two!! I don't know how many times I hear this but at every first prenatal visit, I make this very clear that you are NOT eating for two! Depending on your starting weight or body mass index (BMI), that gives a rough estimate of how much weight you should gain which is 25-35 pounds if you are starting within a normal range. So about 100-200 calories, extra a day is all you need. Not a second plate of food! Weight during pregnancy matters! I've seen issues from more or less than indicated weight gain so help yourself out and gain appropriately to have a healthy start for you and your baby!
The 18-20 week or 5-month ultrasound is the "Gender Reveal Scan"! No! It's way more important than that! This is called the anatomy ultrasound. Checking on the baby's organs, your placenta, etc. is more important than if it is a boy or girl so let's not forget what that test is really for. Thanks!
Marijuana is great for nausea and safe. Actually it can work for nausea, but it is not necessarily safe. Remember ladies there are other options for your nausea! Things such as ginger or even some anti-nausea prescriptions are available for use. Per recent studies, its use during pregnancy has risks. Risks include developmental issues and even preterm birth. Marijuana use during pregnancy is on the rise, but ladies just because it is "natural" and legal doesn't mean it's good for you or your baby.
The fetal heart rate determines the gender! No again! It is not a boy if the rate is low or a girl if the rate is high. The heart rate is more dependent on the maternal heart rate and other factors. Too bad this predictor isn't true! Wouldn't that be so easy!
The due date estimated by the ultrasound especially in the 3rd trimester can change your due date! I know we wish this sometimes but no! Even if the baby is measuring big that just means he is big not that we can move the due date up! Consider this analogy, if your child is two but measures more like a three-year-old, that doesn't make your child three right? Same idea!
You have to sleep on your left side! Wrong. A recent study came out in the Obstetrics and Gynecology green journal that included more than 8,000 women and they evaluated maternal sleep position through 30 weeks of gestation and adverse pregnancy outcomes. This study concluded that going to sleep in the supine or lateral position was not associated with increased risk of stillbirth, small for gestational age newborns or gestational hypertensive disorders. Of course like any study, there are limitations but this should help you feel better about it. The best evidence does not suggest an association between sleeping on your right side or back and adverse outcomes, so you should feel comfortable sleeping in any position that works for you. Yay to good sleep!
It looks as though the baby has "dropped" so that means the baby will come soon! It depends. Now if you are having contractions and/or your water breaks around the same time then that may be a different story. Remember every woman carries her baby differently and even with different pregnancies, but "dropping" doesn't mean anything!! As an aside, if you are carrying your baby low or high doesn't tell you the gender either, FYI!
Losing your mucus plug means imminent labor! No so calm down, please! You don't even have to show me the picture, but if you want me to see it I'll look. As one nurse tells patients if your water breaks call your doctor if you lose your mucus plug call your mother!
Heartburn means your baby will have a lot of hair! Though that baby will be cute, it just isn't true. Sorry ladies! It's just an old wives' tale.
A full moon makes women go into labor! This may be the only one I believe! Probably a myth but damn every time I'm on call during a full moon I swear I delivery at least two or more babies! Ask an L&D nurse, they would likely agree!
Well, hopefully, this cleared up some funny myths about pregnancy that women talk about to each other every day.
Which pregnancy myths have you heard?
Dr. E
“No great love ever came without struggle.”