Over the counter birth control! Maybe coming to a pharmacy near you...

ACOG just released a statement that said they were in favor of patients obtaining over the counter birth control. Yes, you heard it right, over the counter!

But, even with that said most women still don't know that some states do offer birth control that is controlled by a pharmacist without needing a prescription. I didn't even know all the states that offered this and I'm an OB/GYN!

It is life-changing because women can have access to birth control without having to see a gynecologist. Of course, I still want patients to come see me for exams and to discuss other issues, but imagine not having to go for just for a birth control prescription?

According to the CDC, ~45% of pregnancies in the US are unintended. That number is still very high and should be addressed. About 10 million women in the U.S. use birth control pills. But, there are still real obstacles that women face including limited OB/GYN care especially in rural communities, lack of insurance and inconvenience of making that annual exam. Did you know ~8.2 million women between 15-44 lack health insurance and that number triples in undocumented women? I see it all the time...

So what can be done? Laws are making it possible that pharmacists can obtain a medical history with a self-screening questionnaire, pregnancy status, blood pressure and you get the prescription on the spot!

My research shows that it can cost between $40-50 and can be covered by insurance.

But of course, there are still concerns. Pharmacists are concerned about lack of knowledge and liability, cost, and of course there are those concerns about making anything that relates to sex available, will make more people what to have sex. Yeah, true, but at least it is reducing unintended pregnancies.

So if you live in California, Hawaii, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oregon, Tennessee, Utah, Washington D.C. or Washington, you are a lucky lady! But you have to find out which pharmacies offer it...

There is still so much work to do, but the most important thing is that women know what their options are!

Xoxo, Dr. E

Stop saying I’m sorry. You didn’t do anything wrong except use those words.
— Montes Mottos