Keeping it together: 6 tips to maintain your sanity in this crazy world!
I want to give a big hello 👋🏼 to all my new friends and I want to be for real.
With the launch of my blog last week, I have had some real mixed emotions lately.
I am excited, happy, grateful. 💛
But I am also scared, overwhelmed and unsure. 🖤
✨I want to be everything to everyone and I know I can’t be. ✨
👉🏼I think a lot of us can relate to that exact sentence.
So it got me thinking 🤔 about ways to bring that balance back into my life and get me grounded again after these last few weeks of getting everything ready for The Modern Mujer launch.
I am going to personally work on to keeping it together and to maybe not be everything to everyone, but to be right where I NEED to be. 🔥
💛Here’s what I need to remember as I “sit back” and enjoy this crazy ride.
🌱 No one else has it “together”. The picture perfect facade or “front” we see on social media is not real life. Life is hard. Everyone is doing their best and trying to keep what they have going together. Let’s not compare ourselves to others, that will just distract you push you further from your progress. Admire their success without questioning our own.
🌱It’s OK to say no. Seriously. As women, we try to help everyone and please everyone, but it is important to remember that to be your best in different aspects of your life, you have to sometimes say no. Whether you are being pulled in the direction of your family obligations or towards your career expectations; when you say no to make your life easy, it doesn’t make you a bad person and you will feel better that you don't have so much on your plate.
🌱Recognize your own progress. Be your own cheerleader, be happy for yourself. Once you are able to know that what you are doing in life whether it be to help family, help your partner or help others, you are making progress. Progress is mindset. So much of our happiness depends on how we chose to look at the world.
🌱Who you are is defined by what you are passionate about. Who and what you find yourself dreaming about or doing without a second thought is your passion. Your passion will help determine what you are willing to struggle for and what you are willing to give up to ultimately get the outcome you desire.
🌱Find out what is important to you. Why do you do the things you do? Are you searching for love, power, fame, recognition? Understanding our underlying motivations can really answer this question for all of us and help us prioritize what is important and ultimately what is not.
🌱Breath. Something so simple yet so effective. A little relaxation can go a long way. This is a small way to take care of yourself. Whether it be taking time for yourself to read a favorite book, watch your favorite movie or even getting a monthly massage, it will be worth it and help give you the balance need to keep that balance in our life.
Remember we are all perfectly imperfectly. Even though as women we try to strive for perfection in every aspect of our lives, everything will never be perfect. But if you embrace giving your best every day, you will be a happier mama, friend, partner, and mujer!
How do you keep it together? Please share so we can learn from each other and thrive rather than just survive!
Dr. Erica
“Just because you carry it all so well doesn’t mean it’s not heavy.”