You are a modern mujer.

What is The Modern Mujer?
A Movement to empower
A community to Unify
A platform to Justify your thoughts
A place to Educate and inspire
A tribe to Represent you
About the modern mujer.
Why the Modern Mujer?
First, mujer means woman in Spanish and I can relate to being considered a Modern Mujer. Since this is a bilingual blog I felt a bilingual name would be fitting. The words exude exactly what I’m striving for in this blog. It is for a modern woman and because one of my main focuses is to reach Spanish speaking women as well, I love the play on words. We live in a modern society now where women are empowered to learn more about their bodies so I want to provide clarity on common misconceptions and help you consider the choices you make for your health and family’s health before making a decision.
My goal for this bilingual platform is to provide topics that I find are important for the general female population and to break it down in a way that you feel as though I am having a conversation with you at a coffee shop or at dinner. Nothing too complicated but just questions that I already answer on a daily basis in my office. Though these are important topics, my goal will be to give you the most concise and easy to understand version of the topic so you still have time to be the mujer you are and keep it moving. I want to talk to you as a friend; forgot all the complicated medical jargon. No one has time for that! ;)
I also want students in healthcare to learn a few tips that helped me during my 12 years of schooling and of course I'll add some women empowerment in because we could all use this every now and then!
Thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to care about yourself. It is here that your proactivity is making you the best version of yourself and in the end that’s what a mujer really wants.